Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Inside the brown drawers Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Drawer Handle Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Black Metal TakeAway Pullout Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Black Metal TakeAway Pullout Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Wood effect Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
TakeAway Pullout Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
TakeAway Pullout Premium 3001 Kitchen Design
Wood Drawers with internal drawers Premium 3001 Kitchen Design

Dark Coloured Convenient Kitchen Design

Front: Ferro black gold

The elegant kitchen in dark colours tones is Premium 3001 kitchen’s best feature. Its clean-cut design includes glass, metal, and wood to be combined and finished with super-matt. 
Boasting its takeaway pullout systems to allow you to take your kitchen needs anywhere in the kitchen while neatly arranged in the pullout. Drawers with internal pullouts are ready to store your other kitchen tools.